Kamis, 02 Desember 2021

How To Decorate L Shaped Bedroom

How To Decorate L Shaped Bedroom

Feng Shui bedrooms are one of the three most important factors affecting the overall Feng Shui of an apartment or house. After all, here we spend a third of our lives. And therefore it is important to identify the quality of Qi that affects the sleeping person.


  • Perfect room shapes
    • Avoid such room types:
    • Round bedroom
    • L-shaped room
    • Triangular bedroom
  • Proper bed location
    • At the window
    • Sleeping with your legs towards the door
    • … with your feet towards the bathroom
    • Bed reflecting in the mirror
  • Bed in the basement
  • Bookcase in the bedroom
  • Adjoining rooms
  • Bed under the beveled ceiling
  • Opposite doors

Here we are not talking about complex formulas, but about the competent layout of the bedroom and the placement of the bed according to best practices of Feng Shui. Indeed, even if the Feng Shui master chooses the most ideal spot in the bedroom to place the bed, the designer can nullify all his efforts worsening the quality of qi in the room.

Feng Shui Bedroom: Perfect Room Shapes

Close to a rectangle or square rooms are ideal. In this case, the energy of the room is stable.

However, this rule is relevant not only for choosing a room for sleeping but also for work. After all, negative qi in rectangular rooms will not be as aggressive as in rooms of irregular shape.

Shapes of the bedroom that Feng Shui Recommends Avoiding

Avoid round, triangular, trapezoidal, L-shaped room forms. Why? Let's find out from the wise Chinese.

Round Bedroom

The Qi of the round room is too intense, especially for sleeping. Such a room is more suitable for negotiations than for sleeping.

Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design Ideas for any Kind of Room. Round bedroom with blackout blue curtains

L-shaped bedroom

In the L-shaped bedroom, the corner of the wall creates a flow of aggressive qi. This situation can be easily corrected by constructing a wardrobe room in the available nook. This trick will align with the shape of the room.

Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design Ideas for any Kind of Room. The direction of energy in the bedroom with appendix

Obviously, the angle gives rise to a Sha Qi flow and modifies the quality of energy in the room. Here it doesn't matter how magnificent the energies in the room were and what kind of view opens from the window. After all, Feng Shui of the room is already down the drain. In this case, you may need to install a cabinet to extend the wall. Alternatively, you can round the wall during the repair phase.

Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design Ideas for any Kind of Room. Yellow colored walls for casual room

Option: wall corner pointing at the berth

Triangular Bedroom

In a triangular room (or of any other irregular shape) qi is unbalanced.

Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design Ideas for any Kind of Room. Triangular bedroom

Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design Ideas for any Kind of Room. Trapezoidal room

Trapezoidal room and Feng Shui of irregularly shaped bedroom

You can correct unbalanced qi by placing the bed parallel to the walls. This will ensure stability.

Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design Ideas for any Kind of Room. Classic light colored room with the furniture set

Feng Shui in the Bedroom Depends on a Properly Installed Bed

The window behind the head of the bed

With this position of the sleeping place, the balance of Yin (dream) and Yang (activity on the street) is disturbed. The window behind the head creates an imbalance and disturbs the calm. However, this rule can be leveled if, during sleep, your windows will be curtained with blackout curtains.

Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design Ideas for any Kind of Room. Joyfully designed space with green and yellow additions

Sleep is a Yin process. It is opposing to activity. That is why the bedroom in Feng Shui should have calm energy. The ideal position is the head of the bed against a blank wall.

Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design Ideas for any Kind of Room. Calming interior of the casual styled room with wooden frame bed

It is important to observe the following requirements, not sacrificing them even for the sake of favorable directions in which you want to orient a sleeping place (calculated according to the Gua numbers). It is unacceptable to turn the bed head to the corner.

Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design Ideas for any Kind of Room. Platform bed and semicircular headboard console

In this case, all the benefits of a favorable direction are nullified by the flow of Sha-Qi directed straight to the head of the sleeping person.

Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design Ideas for any Kind of Room. Beige colored interior

Ceiling ledge or beam above the berth

Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design Ideas for any Kind of Room. Open ceiling beams in the ethnic styled room

As a rule, this can lead to health difficulties and create pressure at work.

Is Legs-to-Door Sleeping Correct for Feng Shui?

It is believed that only the dead people are carried forward with their feet. And Feng Shui is skeptical about this belief. The sense is different: an intense flow of Qi is directed from the door to the bed. The solution is simple: move the bed to the side so that the door does not look directly at you. Or while sleeping, close the door to the room.

If we are talking about the front door to the apartment, then this statement generally loses all meaning: as a rule, a layout where you could see the front door to the house lying on the bed is very rare.

Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design Ideas for any Kind of Room. The energy flow in the bedroom

The Position of the Bed with Your Feet to the Bathroom

This type of layout is not recommended for the same reason as sleeping opposite the door. If it is not possible to move the bed, install a screen between the bed and the door. In this case, the screen height should be higher than the door.

Feng Shui Bedroom Interior Design Ideas for any Kind of Room. Screen zoning the door from the sleeper

Bed Reflected in the Mirror

And the statement that the mirror opposite the bed is taboo is another myth. It is based on a Chinese proverb: "A mirror in front of the bed will make healthy lay sick." If you are too spleeny, then you may be frightened to see your reflection asleep. However, this superstition has nothing to do with Feng Shui. And it does not affect anything. Checked!

The mirror in front of the bed

Bedroom in the Basement

The main factor for the bedroom (it may sound strange) is the presence of light here during the day. The dark room is not suitable for the bedroom, as it does not contain enough Qi and is not suitable for anything other than a pantry. It doesn't matter how magnificent the energies of flying stars are and in what direction your bed will be oriented. Qi just won't get here. It's like a TV that is not plugged into an antenna cord: it doesn't matter which channel it is tuned to.

The bedroom with round bed in the ground floor Small window in the bedroom

Open Shelves of Bookcases in the Bedroom

An open shelf does not "cut" space, no matter what books tell about it. Therefore, you can use them in the design of the bedroom in the way it suits you.

The bedroom with library inside

Adjoining Rooms

It is great when the bedroom opens onto another spacious room. In this case, Qi can accumulate and calm down before you get into the bedroom.

The walk-through bedroom layout

Bed under Beveled Ceiling

The Qi in such a room is unbalanced. As a rule, children sleeping under a sloping ceiling grow up moody and restless. The room can be fixed by turning the beveled part into a wardrobe. If the layout does not allow this, it is better to sleep under a higher part of the ceiling than under a bevel.

Marine styled bedroom with sloped ceiling

Doors Opposite Each Other

With this arrangement of doorways, Qi is aggressive under one condition: if the distance between the bedroom doors is small. Otherwise, there is no cause for concern.

How To Decorate L Shaped Bedroom

Source: https://www.smalldesignideas.com/feng-shui-bedroom-interior-design-ideas-for-any-kind-of-room.html

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